as you know, i've sort of laid low on the britney posts as of late. truth be told, the once fun-to-call-crazy pop star has, as everyone knows, taken a huge toll for the worse, and it's not quite so amusing anymore; it's more sad.
anyhoo, to recap: britney's stay at the mount sanai hospital has been extended to a mandatory 14-day stay for psychiatric observation, and legal authority has been transferred from douchebag sam lufti to britney's dad, jamie.
naturally, sam is disputing this decision, but in light of the following e-mail published by
bitten and bound, lufti may have some difficulty:
Please get a message to Britney Spears, Sam will probably make her commit suicide, I personally know Sam, PLEASE READ
I personally know Sam Lutfi and he is a master manipulator, he almost made my good friend Danny Haines kill himself.
I just want to get a message to Britney to warn her of Sam’s real intentions.
I have access to hundreds of emails, text messages, voice messages of Sam talking about wanting to kill my friend Danny and that he should just kill himself among other bizarre statements he has made.
Danny met Sam and soon after Danny moved in with Sam as a new roommate, not long after that it went downhill.
I felt like I was Danny’s therapist for several months trying to help him get away from Sam and his brain washing.
Sam had stolen a total around of $18,000 from Danny from using his credit cards to buy plane tickets for himself to forging his checks that the credit card companies send you for cash advances. I went with Danny to one of the gas stations his mom owns to attempt to collect the money from Sam’s mother. I had Sam’s mom with checkbook in hand writing Danny a check until Sam showed up an made a huge scene at the gas station
Danny and I flew my airplane to Las Vegas for the weekend and I spent several hours with Danny and finally got him to call the bank and report the fraud Sam Lutfi had committed against Danny’s bank account. Before that phone call, Danny was very depressed because of what Sam had made him, after that phone call Danny’s eyes has life in them again and we went out that night night and had a great time. Sam is so convincing that about a week later Danny cancelled the fraud report after talking to Sam.
Please do your research on this clown, Danny has a restraining order (the court transcripts prove Sam is a Jackass) find it by searching North Orange County court records Fullerton Ca. case number 07NL02915
Sam also vandalized a older women’s new car at Costco last year because she took his parking spot. Sam took a pair of pliers and destroyed her vehicle. They could not find him because his Mercedes S500 was new and had no license plates yet. I’m in the process of trying to get Sam arrested for that through the Culver City Police Dept.
Thank You,
Ken Dungeywe'll let his e-mail speak for itself. additionally,
us weekly reported:
Lutfi has had two restraining order against him for violent verbal and physical attacks, according to complaints obtained by Us, and has gone by multiple aliases, including Osama N. Lutti and Osamah N. Lutfi.
In a 2005 complaint, Jumana Issa, a business acquaintance, claims Lutfi “harassed me repeatedly with obscene e-mails, offensive faxes, telephone voice mails (around 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.), out-of-control behavior and outrageous telephone hang-ups (around 15 to 30 a day).” In one fax, Lutfi scolded: “Peel yourself away from all the candy … and overhangin [sic] belly … and answer my e-mails.”
His former neighbor, Douglas Snoland, filed a similar complaint in 2004, alleging that Lutfi tried to kick down his front door when he suspected Snoland of having his car towed. Snoland also accused Lutfi of wanting to kill his 73-year-old disabled mother. In the complaint, Snoland accused Lutfi of saying: “I will beat your ass … Your mother is a f—–g old hag. You are a f—-t. You will regret the day you ever met me.” Lutfi’s attorney denied the threats, but a judge granted a three-year restraining order to Lutfi to stay at least 15 feet away from Snoland and his mom.this person needs to be out of her life for good.