Wednesday, February 6, 2008

being preggers is NOT an excuse to look like shit

yeah yeah, so she's rocking the pumps while she's carting around twin babies in her gullet. of course, i agree that this is the most fabulous, diva-rificly awesome thing. ever. i bet vicky beckham wore stilettos every day of her preggersy too. probably even after her water broke.

however, miss lo, just because you're rocking stilettos does not mean you can slack off with the rest of your ensemble. especially at fashion week.

tomorrow, let's show up with, oh, i don't know, maybe hair that looks combed. oh and, being that everyone knows you got a couple buns in your oven, perchance you could rock an outfit that doesn't look like an silk potato sack?


1 comment:

Whaddup Ma said...

maybe it's just a food baby.